Support That Makes a Difference.
In order to give you an idea about how we can provide support, thanks to your donation, we have compiled a few examples.
Of course, you can also choose the donation amount yourself.
With this money we can, for example, organise a community event for refugees in host countries.
With this money we can, for example, issue an emergency aid package for one person (including medication, first aid kit, sleeping bag, insulated mat, thermos flask and cooking set).
With this money we can, for example, supply people in emergency situations with a stove that they can use for cooking and heating.
We use your donation based on current needs
With your donation you become part of our aid program. We ensure that your donation is used where it is needed most at the time. Humanitarian crises are characterised by constant change and our response is adapted to the prevailing needs. People sometimes have to leave their homes overnight and flee. While fleeing their own country, they often find temporary shelter in refugee camps as internally displaced persons. But even in other countries where they seek protection, the challenges do not stop. Uncertain prospects of remaining in the country, the trauma of past experiences and an often prevalent isolation from the host society are only some of the problems with which these people are confronted.